Switched again!
A lot has changed in Kailyn Lowry’s life in the past year. She went from being a mother of two to a mother of three, and added yet another baby daddy to her list. We all know that relationship didn’t end very well, but luckily Kailyn has already moved on. Even though things seem to have been stabilizing for Kailyn in the past few months, it’s clear that it will take a while for the dust to completely settle in her life… and in her third son’s life as well.
When Kailyn’s third son was born, it took her longer than average to pick out his name. Throughout her pregnancy and the first two months of his life, Kailyn couldn’t settle on a name, calling him “Baby Lo.” Then she finally revealed his name to fans: Lux.
Of course, news that she was changing Lux’s last name from Lopez to Lowry after things fell apart with Chriz came a few weeks ago. Now, Kailyn has revealed that she’s changed her son’s name yet again!
She seems to be happy with the new moniker, but with how many times she’s changed it, fans aren’t so convinced it’ll stay the way it is!