Wow, this is a complicated one!
It’s rare that we get to talk about a Teen Mom star taking a major stand, but there is a first time for everything. Sure, she’s not a Teen Mom herself, but Nessa Diab is a staple in the Teen Mom-verse just as much as any of the Moms and she’s making headlines outside the MTV sphere thanks to her relationship with NFL player Colin Kaepernick.

Source: Instagram @nessnitty
A Re-Kaep
Source: Instagram @ kaepernick7
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the controversy that the now-ex-49er started when he began kneeling during the national anthem at football games in protest of the systemic racism in this country.
Kaepernick’s statement was met with equal parts praise and fury throughout the country and the National Football League, but ultimately, the 49ers dropped the player thanks to his desire to make a peaceful statement about injustice. Since then, the Super Bowl QB has been listed as a free agent and quite a few teams around the country have considered taking him on despite (or because of) the controversy and certainly thanks to his incredible skill on the field.
One such team was the 2012 Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens who even announced that they were considering taking on the free agent player for the upcoming season. It looked like it was all going to go through and Kaepernick would be coming to Charm City… except that it didn’t happen and no one really knew why.
Enter: Nessa Diab, Kaepernick’s girlfriend of two years and the host of the Teen Mom after show.
Nessa Takes a Stand
— NESSA (@nessnitty) August 3, 2017
The MTV star and radio personality allegedly ruined her boyfriend’s chances of getting signed with the Ravens when she tweeted the above photos comparing Raven’s owner Steve Bisciotti and retired Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis to Calvin Candie and Stephen (Leo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson) in Django Unchained. In other words, she insinuating that Bisciotti and Lewis are no different than a slave master and a slave. According to Lewis, the deal fell apart with the sending of that tweet.
It’s up for debate whether or not Nessa’s tweet had anything to do with the boyfriend’s absence from the Raven’s 2017 roster, but the timing is suspicious — and that’s the story that Ray Lewis seems to be sticking to. Then again, it did kind of seem like the Bisciotti never really wanted to sign Kaepernick in the first place and that the deal was likely to fall through no matter what. While the Baltimore Ravens could use some good PR (lest we forget the Ray Rice of it all), the city of Baltimore was pretty divided on whether signing Kaepernick would, indeed, be good PR.
As for Nessa, her official stance seems to be that her tweet had nothing to do with Bisciotti’s decision to pass on Kaepernick. She has since re-tweeted a number of Twitter threads about how Ray Lewis’ story is a complete fabrication and Bisciotti and the Ravens are using her as a scapegoat to get out of signing a player who they never wanted in the first place.
Who Knows

Source: Twitter @nessnitty
Nessa and Colin make a bad a$$ couple; they aren’t afraid to take a stand, and — whether you agree with them or not — that’s something to be admired.
What do you think of the Ravens not signing Kaepernick? Do you think that it was about Nessa’s tweet? SHARE this article and let us know your thoughts!
Read more on this story here.