Jenelle’s Family “Very Concerned” She’s Using Drugs Again!

at 2:21 pm | By

They're reaching out!

Jenelle Evans’ history of drug use is no secret to the Teen Mom community, and there’s good reason: it was publicly aired during early seasons of the show. If that weren’t enough, Jenelle also opened up about her experiences with marijuana and heroin in her memoir, spilling the truth about her addictions. Over the years, fans have followed her on the difficult road to recovery, watching Jenelle fall into addiction and pull herself out of it time and time again.

However, recovery is a long and difficult road that often involves relapsing. Even though Jenelle is now a happily married mother to three beautiful children (and step-mom to two more), it seems that her past may be coming back to haunt her.

Jenelle isn’t close with any of her family, and even admitted that none of her family members were present at her wedding to David Eason. Now, though, her estranged family is speaking out with concerns that Jenelle may be falling back into addiction.

jenelle close up 2

Source: Instagram @j_evans1219
