It's not pretty.
Making Moves
Credit: MTV
Ashley opened up about Shen’s sexual advance on her Instagram live. “They got drunk on Amsterdam together with Bar present, and Shen was telling Ashley how pretty she was and tried kissing her. Bar intervened and said, ‘Mom, why are you trying to kiss my girl?’” reveals reddit user CadburyBunnyPoo, who tuned in. “Bar was there when Ashley said it on IG and he did not disagree.”
Soon after, Shen spoke out about the accusations!
“So now i get ugly she posted i tried to mak3 out with her she better prove it in court im done,” Shen wrote on Facebook. “Now I am gonna bring the big dogs out im tired of her lies she is a lot sicker than I thought 1st off I don’t do girls and if I did her panties would be clean.”
Surprisingly, soon after this Ashley posted a public apology to Shen.
“Said and did a lot of sh*t to my mother in law that wasn’t ok,” she wrote on Twitter. “I love her and her son and want to move forward because my daughter deserves it.” Luckily, Shen seems willing to accept the apology.
“It’s heart breaking, but as a mother I will still be there to help in any way,” Shen tweeted. “But healing will take a long time. I have been thru so much over this: lied on, defamed but forgiveness will start healing. I am going with caution.”
Come see me!

Credit: MTV
There’s just one person standing in the way of this reunion: Ashley’s mother, Pastor Tea, who has made her dislike for Shen very clear from the beginning. She took to Twitter to add her two cents to the confusing fight.
“All your kids are criminals,” Pastor Tea wrote. “And the one in jail now was caught on [camera] but you say he innocent,” she said, referring to Bar’s brother who was found guilty of murder.
“You are low class on every level. I grew up in the projects and I never met anyone more trashy than you. All those kids lives you have ruined. Not one have a solid education and you dont either. Anyone dealing with you loves the mess because everyone knows that to pull me out of character… have truly crossed the line.”
Then she asked Shen to talk to her face to face. “Shen you been lying on me since day one. You don’t know me and every time Bar asked you to speak with me you tucked your tail and ran. It’s easy to press a 21 year old but you not gone press me. This goes much further than tv. I’m ready to SEE YOU!!! Nuff said.”
She added, “I don’t do this social media stuff. See me in real life. We got some talking to do. Call me Shen. Don’t run. face to face. Tell me where you getting all your lies from because your own son don’t deal with you because of what you done and you not telling folks.” To no surprise, Shen quickly responded via Facebook.
“So I’m confused pastor=your daughter faked [domestic violence] and u find a way to make this about me, naw I’m good,” she wrote, adding:
“When i wanted to talk no one else did but I c what kind of people in dealing with. we will not sit down without attorneys because their behavior is maliciously done from hate and spite. u r capable of anything. focus on the kids getting help and making everything right for holly. I speak truth and real i have proven that.. sorry u disagree but im over it and u. So take the high school behavior to an adult so they can guide u cause this sh*t is real not show.”
Murder Trial

Credit: MTV
As if all of this in-fighting was not enough, Shen has even had some choice words against her own son. The fight started when Bar’s brother was accused of murder.
According to reports by Radar Online, Bar’s older brother Troy Seales, who is thirty years old, was on trial for the murder of Deandre Adams. Adams was shot multiple times in Oakland California on Aug. 25, 2017. He was rushed to a hospital after crashing his vehicle and later passed away due to his injuries.
Bar’s older brother was then arrested on Sept. 12, where he was charged with two counts of great bodily injury and one count of shooting and inhabited dwelling. He later pled not guilty to murder.
According to Radar, “A jury found [Bar’s brother Troy Seales], 30, guilty of the murder of Deandre Adams on April 7.”
Bar soon spoke out on Instagram about the case. “I have an older brother named Troy Marshall Seales, who today was cheated out of the rest of his life,” Bar shared on Instagram. “He has been fighting a murder charge since September of 2017, he has been in trial for this murder charge for the last 2 weeks, he was completely snatched of all opportunity at having a second chance at life, a innocent man should be given the same equal opportunities as everyone else in this world. In this trial literally everything bad has happened from horrible lawyer representation to jurors (who decided whether he was guilty or not), falling asleep in mid trial.”
He went on:
“I know my older brother and I know he is an amazing, loving, kind-hearted person no matter what background he has. Yes he doesn’t have the best criminal background and he has done time and openly admitted to his faults, but one thing he has NEVER been is violent, and with MURDER to be something someone actually committed, they would’ve had to be a violent person. TROY SEALES wouldn’t hurt a fly, he would literally give the clothes off of his back if need be.”
However, one important person just wasn’t buying it: his mother, Shen! She took to Instagram to say that Bar doesn’t have room to complain! “Bar crying they took his brother,” she wrote. “[You] didn’t even sit [through] his trial or put up one dime for lawyer. [You] just got a storyline minutes after [the] verdict. I lost two sons but my 1st born, we will fix this. I [won’t] stop until justice is served. A sleeping juror cannot decide anyone’s fate.”