This is just as much about the parents as it is about the kids...
5. Aleeah & Ali Simms
It’s a bit hard to split up Aleeah and Ali because we always see them together, so I’m going to place them together (I know, I know, twins aren’t the same, but…). It’s not that either of them is terribly behaved by any means, but the craziness of Leah’s life with three very young girls seems to be taking a toll on the twins.
Backseat Feuds
Aleeah definitely wins the “drama” prize, but Ali has her own little attitude. Being with her sister all the time definitely brings it out in her. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it seem like there’s a blow-up of some kind every time the girls are strapped into the car?
Sassy Sisters
Balancing two little girls who are just starting to get sassy, with raising a toddler seems to be getting more and more difficult for Leah. I can’t really blame her though—she found herself raising three young daughters alone which can’t be easy, especially when one of them has as many health concerns as Ali does.