Matt Baier Won’t Be Attending the ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion With Amber

at 3:51 pm | By

Could this be the very end of Amber and Matt?

It’s been like watching the most dramatic soap opera that has ever existed: the saga of Amber Portwood and Matt Baier. We’ve watched the odd couple get together over the internet, move in together and get engaged within just a few short months, all while surviving through all kinds of weird lies that Matt threw at Amber.

She refused to believe that Matt could do wrong, but with so much evidence in her face right now, she just can’t deny that Matt is not the man for her. In the midst of all this, it looks like we may not see Matt again. He won’t be sitting next to Amber on the couch when she films the Teen Mom OG reunion.

Credit: MTV

He's not allowed to go with Amber abroad, this may be the last time they see each other