Fans Shower Support on Leah After Ali Suffers Terrifying Health Scare

at 5:22 pm | By

Check out this harrowing update!

Sometimes, with the amount of drama and scandals that pervade the Teen Mom fanbase, it can be easy to forget the difficulties the stars face just being a mother. Every now and then, a heart-stopping event will take place and remind the fans just how difficult it can really be.

When Leah Messer first became pregnant, she was surprised to find that she wasn’t having one child but two. She soon gave birth to twins Ali and Aleeah, but it wasn’t long before she realized that her daughter Ali was a special needs child. Ali suffers from muscular dystrophy, meaning she needs more attention from her mother. In a recent episode, she had a health scare that got Leah’s heart pounding.

ali and alleah

Source: Instagram @leahdawn92mtv
