Credit: MTV
She also shared that her mother has no relationship with her four boys.
“You have to be consistent, you have to be present and you have to be active all the time,” Kailyn blasted her mom. “I didn’t get cards for them, but if I did get cards for my kids, they don’t know who the f–k you are. My son is two years old and has never met you.”
She underscored, “You have one child and three grandsons that have not heard from you in years. Years. Let that sink in.”
This must be painful for her.
Kailyn Lowry Arrested For Assaulting Chris Lopez?

Credit: MTV
For most people, the first few months of their newborn’s life is spent focusing on family and keeping loved ones close.
But for Kailyn Lowry, it looks like she may be spending these months tied up in legal issues — or behind bars.
It’s no secret that Kailyn Lowry and her third baby daddy Chris Lopez don’t get along. That’s why fans were so surprised when she revealed she was having another baby with him!
But could things be so bad that Kailyn is facing legal charges for assaulting him? That’s the current rumor going around the fanbase – and Twitter has the receipts to back it up.