It's getting serious!
The Teen Mom fanbase often discusses how difficult Jenelle and Barbara’s relationship has been on the mother and daughter duo. However, there’s one person above all who bares the brunt of their constant feuding: Jace himself. Jace has had a difficult childhood since day one, with his father Andrew abandoning him from a very early age and his mother signing over custody rights to his grandmother. Since then, he’s been tugged back and forth as Jenelle and Barbara continue to feud for his attention and his custody.
But now it looks like Jace may be victim to more than just the bickering of his mother and grandmother. According to Jenelle, he’s also the victim of abuse — by his own grandmother!
It’s one thing to spread rumors of abuse or even tweet about it, but Jenelle took it to a much more serious level. She took it directly to the authorities, calling 911! Check out the shocking phone call of Jenelle accusing Barbara of abusing her son.