Some of these conversations are really tough...
Rockstar Parents
Credit: Quorthon1/Shutterstock
Long time ago but, my mom cried and then told me she loved me and offered to tell my dad, who has been known to over react and have a bit of an explosive temper. He called me two hours later and asked how I was doing. I apologized profusely and he said, don’t be sorry to me, it’s your life, it’s going to be hard for you. I told him I knew I needed to do adoption and he said, hey there is plenty of time to figure that out, don’t worry about that now, it will be ok. Then he said he loved me and that was it. My parents were f***ing rockstars at that moment. (prettyugly1)
Father’s Blessing

Credit: George Muresan/Shutterstock
Was at church for fathers day and they asked for all the fathers to stand up. I stood up with my dad. They thought it was a bad joke (irish675)
“To Grandma”

Credit: VGstockstudio/Shutterstock
mothers day was coming up also.
bought her a card that said “to grandma” (skivian)