Unexpected ‘Teen Mom’ Feud: Gary, Maci and Mackenzie Battle It out

at9:35 pm | By

Gary, Mackenzie, and Maci are at odds?

The battle between Maci and Ryan has dragged on for years, practically since Bentley’s birth. It appears that Ryan is growing increasingly frustrated with Maci’s temperamental personality and her apparent struggle to be fair about him spending time with their nine year old son. In a recent episode of Teen Mom, Ryan discusses the continued fight for some good old fashioned quality time with his boy.

Ryan is stressed enough about the ordeal, without the help of anyone else’s opinion. Amber Portwood’s baby daddy Gary Shirley decided to add his two cents in on Ryan and Maci’s battle for their son Bentley. Gary took to Twitter with his opinion on the matter, stating that he feels Maci was completely justified in her decision to keep Bentley away from Ryan during the holidays.

Of all the Teen Mom drama we’ve covered, this feud seems to be the most unlikely of them all.

Source: Instagram @macideshanebookout


Check out the twitter battle!