Mystery Man No Longer
Facing Backlash
Unfortunately, it’s hard for most of the Teen Mom girls to make a significant life change without facing criticism. In this case, fans were concerned that Amber was moving on from Matt too quickly. It wasn’t long before Amber took to Twitter to shut down the criticism. “There’s nothing wrong with dating over 3 months after breaking up with someone..crazy how people judge and are so quick to talk shit? #FYou,” she tweeted. She then retweeted a tweet that read, “If you were a guy they would be OK with it, smh,” and one that said, “They just madddd, boo, do ya thing, bc no matter what somebody will be butt hurt … love you babes.”
Hopefully it won’t be long before we learn the identity of Amber’s new man, and see his face on the show! What do you think about her new boyfriend’s identity? Let us know in the comments and SHARE this article!