’16 and Pregnant’ Star’s Newborn Infant Back in NICU After Health Problems

at 3:59 pm | By

She seems devastated

The Teen Mom cast members have all been lucky to deliver perfectly healthy babies with relatively uncomplicated pregnancies. Although Kailyn struggled with her most recent pregnancy, when all of the Teen Mom babies were born over the years, their health was stable enough to leave the hospital almost immediately.

Unfortunately, not all of the cast of 16 and Pregnant has had the same experience with their births.

During her second pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant star updated long-time fans about some unfortunate complications that landed her in a hospital bed. Fans were relieved when she gave birth to her twins, but it wasn’t the end of the battle. After finally being able to take her twins home from the hospital, Lindsey has updated with another heartbreaking bump in the road.

lindsey harrison and tj

Source: Instagram @LilMamaLinds
