‘Teen Mom’ Siblings: Jenelle’s Family Drama

at 5:59 pm | By

Jenelle isn't the only Evans with a troubled past...

Jenelle Evans has made a name for herself over the past eight years for being Teen Mom’s resident… well, train wreck. For whatever reason, Evans’ parenting missteps, drug issues, and questionable boyfriends have always seemed worse than the other Moms at any given time. Over the past year or so, Jenelle has succeeded in getting her life together – buying a home, having her third child, getting engaged, staying clean — but that doesn’t mean there will stop being drama from the Evans family. It turns out that her siblings are just as wild/dramatic/troubled/controversial as Jenelle.

Credit: MTV; Tumblr @teenmomdaily; Facebook @Jenelle Evans

Wait — Jenelle has two siblings?