Credit: MTV
Now, it’s clear that Taylor wants there to be a firm line between Ryan and Bentley if Ryan isn’t clean.
During the TMOG finale, Ryan finally sat down for a session with Bentley’s therapist.
“My goal for this is just to get the truth out, the good, bad and the ugly, even if it’s something about me that maybe will be hard to tell him, that way, whether he believes it or not, at least he’s heard it and once you hear it you can never unhear it so, it’ll always be in the back of his mind,” he shared. ”Hopefully it’ll work out.”

Credit: MTV
When Maci heard this, she shared, “I think it’s a big step in the right direction. I’m happy for your dad.”
But Taylor had a different opinion.
“If Bentley and Dr. Ed feel comfortable bringing Ryan into a session, I think [Ryan] should take a drug test cause the few things he shows up to, he doesn’t look sober to me, in my opinion,” Taylor said.

Credit: MTV
As for Maci, her priorities might be a bit different.
“I’m just worried about Bentley right now,” she shared.
“Therapy is one thing that like, if you do it once, it’s actually one of the things that you’re like ‘I’m actually oddly relieved after that I’m gonna do that again maybe.’ We’ll see, it’s a step.”
Now, Taylor is accusing Larry of endangering Bentley.