Teen Mom ‘Til You Drop

Jace Suffering at the Hands of Jenelle and Barbara’s Custody Feud!

at4:48 pm | By

The feud has negative effects!

Becoming a mother while you’re still a teen yourself is enough to change anyone’s life track. It introduces a whole host of new stressors and traumas that most of your peers have no way of relating to.

Teenage motherhood can also put a huge strain on family relationships. Many times, teen mothers’ parents must play a hand in raising newborn children. In Jenelle and Jace’s case, Barbara Evans soon gained custody of Jace, becoming his primary caretaker soon after. Well, we all know how the rest of the story goes — Jenelle continued to fight to regain custody of her son which put a huge strain on her relationship with her mother.

What some don’t understand is just how much family fighting can affect the children involved. While Jenelle will clearly do anything in order to get custody of Jace, the tactics she and Barbara use in their battle will all have consequences. Now, an inside source is claiming that Jace is “struggling” as his mother and grandmother continue to fight over who will raise him.

Source: Instagram @j_evans1219