Poor Aubree! Chelsea Shares Fears for Her Daughter After Baby Daddy’s Shocking Custody Violation

at 4:28 pm | By

She's staying strong for her daughter!

From her very first appearance on Teen Mom 2, Chelsea Houska has been battling with her first baby daddy, Adam Lind. Fans struggled to watch as Chelsea defended Adam’s behavior even though her friends and family told her time and again to leave him. Chelsea was dedicated to having a family for Aubree and putting Adam first, but at some point, their relationship simply couldn’t be patched up.

After years of being together on and off, Chelsea and Adam finally parted ways. Although Chelsea went on to marry the ever-loved Cole DeBoer and start a family with him, Adam’s path wasn’t quite so smooth. In recent years, Adam has battled an addiction to drugs and has even been charged with domestic violence against his significant other.

Since then, Aubree has been allowed much less time with her father. Adam’s custody has been reduced time and again for Aubree’s safety as her father continues to use drugs. But recently, Adam has made it clear he doesn’t care what the law says — and he’s made a shocking custody violation. Now, Chelsea is speaking out about the incident.

chelsea houska aubree lind-deboer adam lind

Credit: MTV; Snapchat @ al69chevy
