And that’s still not it for Chelsea’s difficulties! At the center of this season is one more hardship: her battle with anxiety!
Chelsea started speaking out about her anxiety this season, and it came to a head when she was preparing for an event to promote her new clothing line.
Unfortunately, Chelsea’s anxiety seems to be getting debilitating, and she seems to be struggling with the decision to seek professional treatment for it, instead relying on the likes of Cole and non-psychologist Dr. Drew for advice. And during the reunion, she opened up about just how intense it’s been getting.
During one of her panic attacks, Chelsea revealed, “There was a point where [her] friend was driving her to the emergency room!”
Although she can laugh about it now, at the time, she feared for her life. “I was like, ‘I’m going to die. Cole better not f*cking move on.’”
She shared, “I got my heart checked. I was getting blood tests constantly. I didn’t want to be alone with the kids because I was sure I was going to drop dead and they’d be home alone.”
She shared that she had panic attacks every single day for “weeks.”
Chelsea seems to be in a much better place. “I want to tell people what’s helped me because I don’t want them to feel what I’ve felt,” Chelsea shared.
We’re so happy to hear that Chelsea is in a better place now!
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