Double the fun!
Pregnancy Scoop
Source: Instagram @chelseahouska
Chelsea spilled that she has yet to have too many cravings, but the one thing she’s been wanting more than anything is Cinnabon! Guess she kicked her low-carb habit for the pregnancy! “I think that’s more just because it’s delicious and less of a pregnancy craving,” Chelsea added.
She also shared that this pregnancy is going by very easily. “This one is almost identical to how I felt with Aubree. Lots of energy, feel pretty good, not gaining as much weight as fast.” She even already has a plan for how to get back in shape after she gives birth: “For sure gonna be taking a lot of walks with the kids once the weather is nice!”
It’s not just cravings that fans wanted to know about, though. Of course they’re curious about what Chelsea is going to name her second daughter!
One fan asked, “Is your baby girl’s name gonna have an -ee name like Aubree?” Chelsea replied, “Nope!”
Another fan asked her, “Do you have any names picked out for your baby girl yet?” Chelsea replied: “i think so, but that’s one thing we like to keep till they are born!”
Luckily, Chelsea dropped a MAJOR hint about potential names. A fan asked her, “If Aubree hadn’t been named Aubree, what would you have named her?” Chelsea replied, “I was JUST telling Aubree the other day the names I considered for her haha. I think it was Payton and Brynn.”
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