Teen Mom ‘Til You Drop

Single Mom for Good? Kailyn Reveals She Will “Never Date Again” After Javi Broke Her Heart

at3:14 pm | By

Poor Kailyn!

Everyone has had their fair share of rough breakups. Whether they were lied to, cheated on, or just made to feel like they weren’t worth fighting for, things can get ugly toward the end of the relationship. It’s no wonder some people decide to stay single after a bad breakup in order to recover.

Normally, people dust themselves off after a few months or so and then dip back into the dating pool. In the past, that’s exactly what Kailyn Lowry has done.

But apparently, she just doesn’t have it in her anymore. Now that Javi Marroquin has stringed her along for the last time, Kailyn announced she has decided that she’s going to stay single for the rest of her life.

Credit: MTV